Consider Kids' Food Basket

"I love sack supper because it gives me more energy for school." -Eric

I am inspired by the work of Kids' Food Basket! Engaging West Michigan community members of all ages in opportunities to share their time, talents and resources is a sustainable, inclusive way to combat childhood hunger founded by Mary K. Hoodhood––recipient of the Governor George Romney Lifetime Achievement Award for Volunteerism. Adding personal touches such as uplifting messages or artwork to paper bags, packing the bags with what will serve as an evening meal, or delivering sack suppers with care are simple, meaningful ways to nourish the body, minds and souls of young people. Check out the link above if you're interested in learning more about how you might support this organization that serves 40 schools, 7250 children and engages 240 volunteers daily.

Thank you, Michigan State Board of Ed. members for decorating bags!


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